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VistaVu is a company with a strong culture, a drive to succeed and a vision for growth.

Join us to take on new challenges and gain valuable experience. We thrive and continue to meet and exceed client expectations. We’re looking for individuals who are looking to excel in their careers and go to the next level.


Social Impact

Charitableness is a core belief at VistaVu. Even in the early days when we had nothing, we always found a way to show gratitude and give back.

The leadership team at VistaVu believes strongly in giving back to the communities that we live and work. The same communities that have allowed us to survive and prosper.

Every day children in Houston and Calgary wake up uncertain of where they will get their next meal or where they will sleep. This is not only unfathomable in cities as affluent as Calgary or Houston, for many of us here with young families, it is also unacceptable. We make it a priority to help as many families as we can.

 While there are many worthy charitable organizations, the two charities we have been particularly involved with is Inn From The Cold (Calgary, AB) and Star of Hope Mission (Houston, Texas). Both of these charities have a mission to help end family homelessness.

VistaVu is proud of the social investment we make in the communities we serve. We’ve been committed and connected to the communities of Calgary, AB and Houston, TX for more than 10 years. Our employees volunteer hours to community initiatives, and VistaVu contributes tens of thousands of dollars through charitable donations and sponsorships every year.