Next fill in the details.
This includes lots of streamlined functionality for copying down common data like hours or Work Orders, etc.
Assigning Customer Work Order to each Resource.
With shortcuts to dynamically add Customer Work:Summarize time by Worker, and by SubTypes (ST,OT,DT), or RegType (MIL)
Record Equipment and/or Material:
Shortcuts to manage the Crew:
History tab to track lifecycle:
Here we can see that after the Crew Sheet was Submitted, it resulted in Field Ticket 5633 being created:
These crew sheets can also be exported as Word Documents, which can be saved as PDF if required.
Reverse Crew Sheet
For Submitted Crew Sheet which need corrections, one can Reverse the Crew Sheet.
Here we can see the Crew Sheet 211 needed to be reversed, which created Crew Sheet 212 (which cancels 211), and Crew Sheet 213 to record the correct information:
This is also summarized in the Crew Sheet title:
And if you click on the ticket number, FieldVu is now able to open the ticket information directly. You can see if sections are populated:
Improved User Interface for Labor Time recording
And of course, we can still open these Tickets or Work Orders in the existing FieldVu Mobile application.
Here's that same ticket opened in the Existing FieldVu mobile User Interface:
• Business Partners -> Customer
• Employees -> Workers
• Equipment -> Equipment
• Product (Item) -> Item (item)
• Product (Service) -> Item (service)
• Price Conditions -> Price Conditions (NEW!)
• Supplier Invoice -> Third Party Billing
ERP Purchase Order marked as "Bill to Customer" are now available in FieldVu. Selected items will be added to Field Tickets and billed to the customer.
Support Markup %, and/or direct Price entry
Generate a batch of Field Ticket (one per Job)
NOTE: This feature is limited to ERPs that support our PO integration like S4 Public Cloud.